Middle & Upper School Textbook Co-Op Ends June 12

In preparation for one of our favorite Back to School traditions at Roeper (the Textbook Co-Op), we would like to invite parents and students to drop off any used Roeper textbooks in the collections bins in each entrance vestibule and in the Naas Commons before the end of the last day of school, June 12.
What to do now:
  1. Collect any textbooks for Roeper classes that your family no longer needs.
  2. Take a picture of your books (with spines/ titles visible) and send it to Annie Yamamoto or #248-410-9056. Include a parent’s name, email, AND number so we can contact you when “shopping” starts.
  3. Drop your books off in our labeled bins in each entrance vestibule at the Birmingham Campus before school ends June 12. If your family finds more books or can’t make the deadline, please email Annie Yamamoto so we so we can arrange another way to get your books.
  4. A Sign Up Genius for opportunities to help us organize and transport books will be sent out soon. Any help is appreciated.
What to plan for in August:
  1. Once we finalize the dates and times for the Textbook Co-Op, an email will be sent out. It will take place in the Birmingham Campus Library. The first day is reserved for families who donated books into the book swap. We plan to hold this early enough so that you have time to order any books you need but are unable to get at the Textbook Co-Op.
  2. If you are a newly enrolled family or don’t have any books to donate: Join the RPC Facebook group or sign up for news alerts (on MyRoeper, click on your name in the top right corner, then Settings, then Notifications, and make sure that you are receiving the news alerts for Middle and Upper School Parents).
  3. A loose rule of thumb is that we encourage you to select about as many textbooks in August as you donated the year before. We are all on the honor system as the RPC won’t keep track of who donated which books, but try to keep it in mind as you are planning for what you will need to purchase in the late summer. It’s a tricky rule of thumb as we really can’t guarantee that the books your child needs will be available in the fall.
Thank you for participating! 
Educating and inspiring gifted students to think as individuals and to engage as a community with compassion for each other and this world.

Bloomfield Campus

Lower School and Administrative Offices
41190 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
PHONE  248.203.7330

Birmingham Campus