Students Show School Spirit by Supporting Annual Fund!

Juliette Olejnik
When Hannah Wedepohl and Avery Long, student representatives on Roeper’s Board of Directors, learned that schools with high participation in their Annual Funds are more likely to receive grants, they decided to incorporate Annual Fund giving into this week's Homecoming Spirit Week activities.

“All students are encouraged to make a donation of any amount in their homerooms. The goal is more about achieving 100% participation than raising a substantial amount of money. We are encouraging gifts as little as $1 as a way to show our collective belief in, and support of, Roeper’s philosophy and mission.” said Hannah, one of the Spirit Week organizers.

As an added incentive, a generous alumni parent has offered to match all student donations made during spirit week up to $1,000!

You can join our students in showing school spirit by making your contribution to the Roeper Annual Fund too! Simply visit Roeper's secure online giving page at
Educating and inspiring gifted students to think as individuals and to engage as a community with compassion for each other and this world.

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